Are you querying ADHD?

We provide specialist psychiatric assessment and treatment for ADHD in adults.


In people with ADHD, there are differences in the parts of the brain that control our ability to plan, organise and focus (executive function).

Symptoms, such as inattention and hyperactivity, start in childhood. About half of children with ADHD continue to have problems into adulthood. Sometimes ADHD is missed in childhood and only gets noticed later in life.


A diagnosis of ADHD in an adult is usually made by a psychiatrist who is experienced in the field.

Diagnosis might involve tests of your thinking, a physical check-up (blood tests and scans), questions about your childhood, information from a partner or parent, and review of documents like school reports.


The recommended treatment for adults with ADHD involves medication, behavioural training, and education.

Many people who are diagnosed with ADHD in childhood have fewer symptoms as they get older.

Other people will have some symptoms their whole life. With the right approach, chances are you will be able to manage your condition well.


Australia-Wide Telehealth

Efficient and comprehensive assessment that respects you and your time. Available for all adults (18+) from professionals to students, mothers and fathers.

  • Dr Daniel Wysoczanski

    MBBS BSc FRANZCP, is a qualified consultant psychiatrist and director of East Coast ADHD. He brings years of experience working in Queensland hospitals.

  • Comprehensive Service

    Full diagnostic assessment of ADHD including clinical interview, integration of assessments, management plan, initiation and review of treatment and medication.

  • Fully Online

    Video telehealth powered by HealthEngine, with online booking, payment and electronic prescribing.

  • Medicare Rebatable Services

    Referral from your GP is required for all services. All services are Medicare rebatable.

A Game Changing Diagnosis
"Being referred by my GP after years of questions, Dr Dan expertly conducted my full assessment. To be formally diagnosed was like everything suddenly fell into place. Going on treatment was a game changer. The lights have turned on." - Steve, Brisbane.

Querying ADHD?

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If you've come this far you may be curious about ADHD. Send us your query. If you're ready to start your journey, consult your GP for a referral.
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